Up to this point, we have learned a lot:
to return to the present moment;
Identify our thoughts and feelings;
Understand the impact of judgment (good or bad) on making wise decisions that guide us to self-compassion;
Balance our thoughts and feelings to maintain curiosity of the value that we have to ourself and others just as ourself;
Look at our thoughts and feelings with fresh eyes so that we don’t bring in new judgment;
Today, we are going to look at a specific technique for removing judgment:
Stuff that’s so old we don’t even remember it’s there;
Stuff that’s so stuck in our current overwhelm that we don’t even know it’s there;
Future judgments that can crop up and reclutter those spaces we clear with wise mind and beginner’s mind
This is going to take some imagination on your part:
First, a few techniques to clear your mind:
Eye movement? Eyes open-eyes shut?
Breathing exercise?
Body scan?
Object focus?
Feet on ground or in grass?
Imagine sitting in a field watching your judgment float away on clouds OR
Picture yourself sitting by a stream watching your judgments float by on leaves
Picture yourself in a room with two doors and watch your judgments enter one door and leave the other